Reasons to Keep a Work Notebook

Posted by Olivia on Jun 16th 2021

Keeping a work notebook can be as simple as keeping a diary of what you did that day. However, writing down meeting notes is not all you can do with a work notebook.

In this post, we are discussing why you should keep a work notebook, and how you can leverage that notebook to help you reach your professional goals.

Reasons to Keep a Work Notebook

Write out your daily tasks

When you sit down at your desk in the morning, take a few minutes to think about what your priorities are for the day.

Create your to-do list for the day by listing your most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important ones toward the bottom. As you complete each task, cross it off the list.

This will not only help you stay on track and organized, but it will also gain a more solid grasp on the progress you are making. Looking back at the end of the day, or the end of the week, and seeing all that you’ve accomplished can be extremely fulfilling.

Set Big Goals

In addition to writing down your daily tasks, create a section in your work notebook where you can outline bigger goals.

These can be monthly, quarterly, or even yearly goals. Whatever you wish to accomplish professionally, write it down and set a date. Setting a date makes it much easier to track and achieve.

Make sure to schedule some time to review and reflect on the information in this section every quarter. Quarterly check-ins will allow you to review your accomplishments like:

  • What new skills have I learned?
  • What were the highlights of the last quarter?
  • What were my fallbacks?
  • What new skills would I like to develop?

Additionally, quarterly reviews force you to think about whether or not your job is, or continues to be, the best fit for you.

Keep Track of Important Events

No, this does not mean keeping track of birthdays and office parties.

You should keep a work notebook to document anything that has impacted or could impact your job.

Be sure to write down all of the following:

  • Accomplishments that you are proud of
  • Positive or negative feedback you received
  • What projects you are working on

Writing these things down will help you see how you have grown over the months.

Keeping track of these items will also benefit you when it comes to performance reviews, or if you are up for a promotion. Being able to look back at your progress and remind your manager of quantifiable benefits you have brought to the company can make a huge difference.

Take Meeting Notes

Most meetings are not very formal and do not require a follow-up email. By taking notes during a meeting you will be able to retain information more easily and identify any questions you may have.

Using a work notebook to take meeting notes also helps you stay more focused during a meeting and prevents your mind from wandering off.


Sometimes, words do not suffice.

Using a work notebook allows you to switch up your method of note-taking. If bullet points are no longer effective, you can mix things up by drawing sketches, charts, or diagrams.

A working notebook will allow you to draw visual examples that can help you better understand complex processes. A good flowchart can break down lengthy functions into bite-sized pieces, making them easier to comprehend.

Conclusion: Reasons to Keep a Work Notebook

Keeping a work notebook is a great way to organize your professional life. It can also help improve your work-life balance if you have one notebook dedicated to working, and another dedicated to your personal life.

If you are interested in keeping a work notebook, take a look at this classic hardcover journal.

Ready to begin your productivity journey? Check out our collection of notebooks!

Portage Notebooks is located in Northeast Ohio and has been creating professional notebooks for media, law enforcement, and businesses for over fifty years. Our notebooks are made using the highest quality materials.

If you are interested in learning more about productivity, time management, or notebook organization tips, visit our blog.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out - email us at info@portagenotebooks.com!